Privacy Policy

DiscoWave understands how important privacy is to users. We wrote this Privacy Policy to explain what information we collect through our website ( (the "Site"), how we use, process, and share it, and what we're doing to keep it safe. It also tells you about your rights and choices with respect to your information, and how you can contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

What information does DiscoWave collect about me?

We only persist/store data in the form of song suggestions. DiscoWave has a feature which utilizes song suggesting, and these suggestions are stored in our database. We do NOT collect any other data besides that.

Authentication data

When you login to DiscoWave, you are required to login with Spotify. You have to be logged in to use our service. This authentication data we get from Spotify is stored in cookies so users don't have to keep re-logging in to use DiscoWave. This data is in NO SHAPE OR FORM STORED IN OUR DATABASES. This data is strictly stored on the client side.

Microphone Data

On our visualization page, we do offer a visualization solution that uses microphone input to do the visualization. This microphone data is ONLY for the visualization and is not stored or sold to anyone. We do not have access to analyze this data. Our code is on Github so you can always check out this link ( to check for yourself.